
By choosing Tanamakoon for your daughter, you will provide her with the unparalleled opportunity to spend a summer in one of the great wilderness areas of the world. The Algonquin ethic is an important part of Camp life. We are committed to teaching our campers to tread softly on the land and to live environmentally friendly.

Our Camp facilities include two composting toilets, one of which is operated by solar electricity, and our shower water is preheated by four solar panels. Our kitchen composts its waste and recycles all of its cardboard, glass and metal containers. Only biodegradable soap is used in our kitchen and by our campers and staff.

Algonquin Park


At Tanamakoon girls ages 4 - 6 can have their first overnight camp experience for 3 days in early or late summer.

Outdoor Ed

The Tanamakoon Outdoor Centre has operated for 27 years, for co-ed school groups mid May to mid June and the last two weeks of September.

Adult Programs

Spend quality time in Algonquin Park with opportunities to share a variety of experiences with like minded, interesting people from fifty five years onward.