Kim and Marilyn Smith have been the Owners and Directors of Tanamakoon since 1984. They are the parents of Laura Smith-Horne and Jerrod Smith.
Kim Smith Kim is a retired lawyer having practiced law for over 20 years. He has been involved in camping for more than 50 years. He was a camper, counselor and Senior Staff member at a boys' camp for 10 years and worked at a co-educational camp for 10 years. Kim was an Algonquin Park Ranger for 3 summers while in Law School. He has served as Chair of the Algonquin Park Camps Association, as a volunteer for the Ontario Camps Association, and as a member of the Insurance Committee of the Canadian Camps Association. Kim was a member of the Board of Directors of Resorts of Ontario for 10 years and is the current Vice-Chairman of the Friends of Algonquin Park. In 1993 Kim created The Camp Tanamakoon Charitable Foundation which donates money annually to worthy women's and children's charities.
Marilyn Smith has a teaching background stretching back 30 years. She has a degree in Family Studies and is a qualified specialist in both guidance and special education. Marilyn has now retired from teaching and spends her summers in Algonquin. Kim and Marilyn own and operate Bartlett Lodge on Cache Lake and the Pines Cottage Resort in Dwight.
Patti Thom has been associated with Tanamakoon as a camper, CIT, counselor and senior Staff member since 1964. Her energy, passion and enthusiasm for camp and people of all ages make her an ideal full time Camp Director for Tanamakoon. Patti is a former Phys Ed teacher and Outdoor Recreation Specialist. She has served on the Boards of the The Society of Camp Directors, The Ontario Camps Association and the Canadian Camping Association. Patti has received numerous awards for her volunteer efforts in camping with the highest of these being the Dorothy Walter Award. Patti is an Honorary Life Member of the Ontario Camps Association. Patti is proud to be one of the Founding Members of The Kids In Camp Charity and currently serves on their Board of Directors.
Laura Smith-Horne Laura grew up at Tanamakoon. As a camper, counselor and Senior Staff person, Laura is familiar with all aspects of Tanamakoon life. She has led two of our one month canoe trips and has had several senior leadership roles in Camp over different summers. Laura is a former Kindergarten Teacher and now teaches Grade 1. She has a keen interest in our younger campers!!
Karen Gris Karen is the Business Manager of Camp Tanamakoon. She has worked with Kim Smith for over 35 years, first as his legal secretary and for the past 30 years as Business Manager for the Camp. She works year round in our Oakville business office and is the grandmother of a present day Tanamakoon camper.