Special occasions are a much loved part of the Tanamakoon experience. These include fishing, competitions, theme days, flotillas, candlelight services, sing songs, council fires, talent and skit nights, musical productions and the farewell banquet.

Roberta Bondar Special visitors to Camp are an important part of Tanamakoon life. World renowned painters and speakers come to share their expertise with our campers. Other visitors include a traveling Exhibit from Science North, traditional Canadian Aboriginal Story Tellers, and various crafts persons such as wood carvers and wood etching experts. Each camper is made a part of these unique visits. We are confident your daughter's stay will be enriched by these Tanamakoon friends.

On Sunday a nondenominational chapel service is conducted by campers and staff in the outdoor chapel. Sunday is also a special cabin day when campers plan activities with their counselors.

special guests


At Tanamakoon girls ages 4 - 6 can have their first overnight camp experience for 3 days in early or late summer.

Outdoor Ed

The Tanamakoon Outdoor Centre has operated for 27 years, for co-ed school groups mid May to mid June and the last two weeks of September.

Adult Programs

Spend quality time in Algonquin Park with opportunities to share a variety of experiences with like minded, interesting people from fifty five years onward.