swim A Doctor and Graduate Nurse reside full time at Camp to supervise the Campers' health. The well balanced and wholesome meals which delight everyone at Tanamakoon are planned by Nutritionists. Meals are served family style at round tables. An evening snack is also provided. Campers with individual dietary needs and food allergies are accommodated. Our water is purified and chlorinated, and is tested daily. There are hot showers and modern toilet facilities. The Local Medical Officer of Health inspects our sanitation and kitchen facilities.

The health and safety of your daughter are of prime concern at Tanamakoon. During our pre-camp, our staff is fully trained in first aid and emergency procedures. This training is continually reinforced throughout the summer.



At Tanamakoon girls ages 4 - 6 can have their first overnight camp experience for 3 days in early or late summer.

Outdoor Ed

The Tanamakoon Outdoor Centre has operated for 27 years, for co-ed school groups mid May to mid June and the last two weeks of September.

Adult Programs

Spend quality time in Algonquin Park with opportunities to share a variety of experiences with like minded, interesting people from fifty five years onward.