staff staff staff staff staff

Tanamakoon is not only a beautiful place! It is an exciting place for campers and staff alike! Tanamakoon provides unique opportunities for staff to live, to teach and to grow. Each Staff member plays an integral part in the growth and development of our campers. As a member of the Tanamakoon family you will find that working with us at Tanamakoon will provide challenges, rewards, fun and a lifetime of memories for you!

It is impossible to state all of the aims, ideals and the complete philosophy, which enter into the spirit of Tanamakoon. They are learned from living and working together in its atmosphere. The aims are achieved through the Directors and a group of carefully chosen, intelligent Counselors, skilled in teaching activities and in human relationships with young people working together.

A Staff member at Tanamakoon is an affectionately respected leader. Admired and imitated by the campers, they play a very influential part in the development of many lives during the course of the summer. Each Staff member is here because they have something of worth to give to the campers and to the camp. A camper's greatest desire is to "have fun". As adults, we know that fun comes from the spirit in which we do things, not necessarily from the things we do. "Fun" is a powerful tool of leadership. If we can make the positive, the genuine, the good things of life at camp pleasurable we can achieve amazing success! Tanamakoon Staff members derive their satisfaction and receive their rewards when we see our campers acquiring lasting skills of living with others, physical activities, self-discipline and leadership.

We invite you to become part of a dynamic staff team that is dedicated to working with young people from all over the world!

Staff opportunities exist for:

Application Forms:
Counselor Staff Application
Assistant Counselors Application (for Grade 11 students only)
Tanamakoon Outdoor Centre Application
Nurses Application
Maintenance Staff Application

Please print and return by FAX to 905-338-3039 or by mail to:

Camp Tanamakoon
132 Reynolds Street
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 3K5


At Tanamakoon girls ages 4 - 6 can have their first overnight camp experience for 3 days in early or late summer.

Outdoor Ed

The Tanamakoon Outdoor Centre has operated for 27 years, for co-ed school groups mid May to mid June and the last two weeks of September.

Adult Programs

Spend quality time in Algonquin Park with opportunities to share a variety of experiences with like minded, interesting people from fifty five years onward.